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About Us
The Biocourseware team is the e-learning development group of the TouchApp Limited. TouchApp Limited is a top grade mobile and web development company using ICT technologies to improve the way of teaching and learning. The company is formerly an experienced mobile development team founded in early 2008. Since then, the team has successfully released 20 apps via the App Store, including Focus on Plant, Bacteria Guide, Kids Words, ChemCalc, E-lecture Producer, etc.
We provide interactive and engaging learning experiences for users. For example, our science iPad and Android tablet app “Focus on Plant” – use the most delicate illustrations and informative images to present a comprehensive introduction to the main aspects of plant science. TouchApp also creates productivity tools for efficient and effective teaching and learning. Our tools such as “E-lecture Producer” allow the content providers to easily update and publish content on their internal websites or to the general public.
As an online and mobile learning service provider, we also work with our clients to build the top grade tailored digital solutions. We collaborate with businesses within the sector to create bespoke eLearning and mobile learning products to inspire people and dispense knowledge.